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postcards from motherhood

Send your postcards to:

Tanya Voges

c/o The Mill

154 Angas Street

Adelaide, SA




Alter an existing postcard or create your own 4'x6'/105mm × 148mm/A6 sized artwork in any medium. 


Allow space for enough stamps to send it to Postcards from Motherhood curator for the July-Spetember 2020 Exhibition Residency of the same name. Australia is a long way from many places, and exhibiting your own work may feel like too much of a mammoth task when you are in the depths of mothering, so this idea was born to connect Mother Artists from around the world so they can find a way to create, a way back to their arts practice.

Provocation for small artworks created in the snippets of time in the midst of parenting

Creation and collection of the real postcards, made by hands that are busy and occupied with creating life, and sent by snail mail, an unusual connection through time space, form the first stage of this creative process. Dance artist Tanya Voges will source the community contributions as source material to form the background for projections of landscapes and heart aches in which to be immersed, your artistic depiction of this moment in parenting, becomes a shared space, either visually or through performative readings of the words on the cards. You can chose to remain anonymous or if you clearly include your name this will be listed in the exhibition notes. These will be presented as a collection for visitors to view and handle alongside the works of five Australia Mother Artists who are creating original works with the same provocation Postcards from Motherhood. The marks of the postal services, the stamps and wear adding to the knowledge that this card has travelled from another place, has passed through the hands of others in an incidental exhibition, making the works of art and the work of the mother figure more visible.


The five Mother Artists invited to create new work to be exhibited are 

Zoe Freney (SA)

Bridget Currie (SA)

Rochelle Haley (NSW)

Tania Mason (NSW)

Alana Hunt (WA)


Curated by Tanya Voges with the support of The Mill's CaMRes -Curatorial Mentorship Residency October 2020


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